
Big Bang Theory quiz

  1. What is Leonard’s middle name?
  2. What is Bernadette’s profession?
  3. What scares Sheldon about Penny’s car when she drives him to work in “The Euclid Alternative”?
  4. What instrument does Leonard play?
  5. What instruments does Sheldon play?

The next Poptropica island has been announced! :O Yep, get ready for Mission Atlantis! šŸ˜‰ In Mission Atlantis, weā€™ll be taking a trip down to the ocean floor! Take a look at the trailer:

šŸ˜€ Currently, thereā€™s not much about this yet, except its first episode name, ā€œInto The Deep.ā€ But make sure to check back for more info on, Mission Atlantis! šŸ˜‰



I apologize about my inactiveness, I have had a pretty hardĀ time at school.

So,Ā  I amĀ still wondering how people are finding this blog.

In response to thisĀ can you tell me where you are from and how you got here


Hello, SM here!

Hello, This is SM (Spotted Monster)!

Username on Poptropica: (well actually I have a lot but I’ll just put my main one) Emilizzle

Games I like to play: and

Things I collect: LPS (littlest pet shop)and crayons

Favorite cookie: white chocolate chip macadamia nut

Favorite icecream: Mint Chocolate chip

Favorite Movie: How to Train Your Dragon 2

Favorite Poptropica Island: Twisted Thicket

so that’s about it. I’ll try to post walkthroughs and glitches… I’m kinda bad at walkthroughs and not that good at finding glitches, but I’ll try my best.
~SM, who finally got to go on a roller coaster (yesterday, at Wild Adventures)~


Introducing Popular Wolf!

Heeeyyy guys! I’m Popular Wolf, but you can call me PW, P-Dubbs, or Wolf, which ever you prefer. I’m the newest author here, but I didn’t post anything until now. I love j-pop, gaming, reading, drawing manga and Poptropica stuff (and random junk), watching anime, sci-fi, and middle earth, as well as being the biggest fan girl EVER. Now, to the Poptropica updates!! Continue reading


Hello, it me.

Yes! it is I, Peter George. I’ve been going great, if you have found this blog or post, please comment on this post how you found the blog and any comment of how to help the blog or how you have found enjoyed the blog.

~ Peter George


Changes for the best

For the best of the blog, I am changing the blog’s content, features and appearance. To name a few:

  1. The title
  2. The Gears of War aspect to the blog
  3. The added concepts of original concepts. i.e. The Big Bang Theory seasons and characters
  4. Grand Theft Auto IV
  5. Changing the background and setup of blogs.